Warden Ernest Raynaud, Killed & M.S. Clark Injured on April 16, 1913

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Warden Ernest Raynaud was killed while on patrol on April 16th near San Quentin Point in Marin County. Deputy Warden M.S. Clark was injured during the same attack.

According to published reports, Warden Raynaud was working boat patrol with Deputy Commissioner M.S. Clark that day. Warden Raynaud arrested Antone and Salvatore Balesteri for taking striped bass with an illegal net. They were taken into custoday and placed on the warden's boat. A third man who was with them, Carlo Balesteri was also taken aboard the Warden's boat to act as an interpreter.

According to a report of the incident in the Sacramento Union, five other men associated with the Balesteri's stormed aboard the Warden's boat, attacking the wardens and trying to free the two Balesteri brothers who had been taken into custody. Deputy Clark shot and killed Salvatore Balesteri and wounded his nephew, Caloggero Balestri before being struck in the head with an oar and thrown overboard.

After Deputy Clark was thrown overboard, one of the remaining Balesteri's tried to run him over with the boat. Deputy Clark was rescued by other fishermen in the area, but Warden Raynaud died of his injuries. Antone Balesteri escaped and was never apprehended. Carlo Balestari was tried and convicted of murder and sentenced to San Quentin Prison for life.

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Topo map of San Quentin Point
April 17 SF Call News Story
April 18 SF Call News Story
April 20 SF Call News Story

Re-typed copy of three stories in the San Francisco Call