California Game Warden

Emergency Medical Retirement


Although you may not realize it, if you happen to die before you reach retirement age, your spouse receives your deposits plus the interest that they earned, not the retirement. So, you better stay safe and alive until you reach 50 years of age. In fact, I used to tell my wife that if I were involved in a vehicle accident or shooting, etc…, that she should tell them to keep me on life support until she could get me retired.

On the other hand, if you do come down with some deadly malady such as cancer, you should know how to save your retirement for your spouse and family. One of my close friends did contract brain cancer while at the young age of about 43. The Department processed an emergency medical retirement so that his wife and kids could have the retirement that he had already earned.

So the message to the wise would be to make sure that you and your spouse know that this is an option. Also, if you hear of one of your fellow wardens in such a predicament, check with that warden’s spouse and or supervisor to make sure that they are being taken care of.